Should I Do Cryotherapy Before Or After My Workout?


The fitness landscape is constantly evolving, with new trends, treatments, and technologies emerging each day. Cryotherapy is one such technique that has rapidly risen in popularity, capturing the attention of athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. But when is the best time to embrace the chill—before breaking a sweat or after? Let’s dive deeper into the icy world of cryotherapy to uncover its mysteries.

Cryotherapy, the practice of exposing the body to extreme cold, has gained significant attention in the world of fitness and recovery. One of the most common questions individuals have is whether they should incorporate cryotherapy into their routine before or after their workout. Cryomed, a leading provider of cryotherapy equipment, can share valuable insights into the optimal timing and usage of cryotherapy in your fitness regimen.


The Science Behind Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy involves subjecting the body to temperatures well below freezing, often through the use of specialized chambers or localized applications. The cold exposure is believed to trigger several physiological responses. One key response is vasoconstriction, where blood vessels narrow to conserve heat, followed by vasodilation once the body warms up. This process is thought to promote better circulation and reduce inflammation, potentially aiding in both performance and recovery.

Benefits of Pre-Workout Cryotherapy

Many individuals opt for cryotherapy before their workout to harness its potential benefits. Pre-workout cryotherapy may help increase alertness and mental focus. It can also result in reduced perceived exertion, meaning you might feel like your workout is less strenuous. Additionally, improved blood circulation may enhance muscle function and oxygen delivery, potentially leading to better exercise performance and preventing injury. However, there may be individual reactions when you feel relaxed and sleepy after a freezing session. Not surprisingly, the following workout may not be as effective as expected. It may also mean you need to step back and have some rest.

Benefits of Post-Workout Cryotherapy

Post-workout cryotherapy is often used as a recovery tool. After an intense exercise session, muscles can become sore and inflamed. Cold exposure post-workout may help mitigate these effects. By reducing muscle soreness and inflammation, post-workout cryotherapy can potentially speed up the recovery process, allowing you to return to your fitness routine more quickly.


Considerations for Timing

Deciding whether to do cryotherapy before or after your workout depends on various factors. The type and intensity of your workout, your fitness level, and your specific goals all play a role in this decision. Some individuals even choose a combination approach, incorporating both pre and post-workout cryotherapy to enjoy the advantages of improved performance and accelerated recovery.

Generally, cryo therapists recommend taking extreme cold sessions up to an hour before training and within the first hour after a workout but no more than 24 hours afterward as cryotherapy won’t affect recovery.

More Than Just a Cold Spell

Cryotherapy isn’t just about standing in a cold room. It is a systematic application of extreme cold temperatures to stimulate the body’s natural healing and rejuvenation processes. Originating from the Greek words ‘kryos’ meaning cold and ‘therapeia’ meaning healing, this technique promises a myriad of benefits. But, like any other fitness routine or regimen, timing is crucial.

Why Athletes Swear By Cryotherapy

Athletes, from runners to footballers, have integrated cryotherapy into their routines. The reason? It’s not just about recovery; it’s also about prevention. Cryotherapy can play a crucial role in preventing injuries, especially those related to overuse or strain. By reducing inflammation and promoting rapid muscle recovery, athletes can maintain peak performance levels, ensuring they’re always at the top of their game.


Potential Risks and Considerations

While cryotherapy offers many benefits, it’s essential to approach it with caution. Overexposure to cold temperatures can lead to frostbite or cold burns. Individuals with certain medical conditions or those taking specific medications might also be at a higher risk for complications. Before diving into the cold, always consult with a certified cryotherapy practitioner or a medical professional to ensure it’s the right choice for you.

Personalizing Your Cryotherapy Experience

Every individual’s body and fitness goals are unique. Hence, a personalized approach to cryotherapy can yield the best results. Whether you’re aiming to boost endurance, speed up recovery, or simply improve overall wellbeing, tailor your cryotherapy sessions to align with these goals. Some may benefit more from pre-workout sessions, while others might find post-workout sessions more effective. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

Exploring Alternatives: Other Recovery Techniques

Cryotherapy is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to recovery and performance enhancement. Many athletes also incorporate other recovery techniques such as compression therapy, foam rolling, and contrast baths. Combining multiple methods can create a synergistic effect, maximizing benefits and ensuring a holistic approach to fitness and well-being.


Beyond Fitness: Cryotherapy’s Wider Wellness Implications

Beyond the realm of fitness, cryotherapy is also making waves in the broader wellness industry. Many individuals are turning to this cold therapy not just for muscle recovery but also for its reported benefits in skin rejuvenation, mood enhancement, and even weight management. The extreme cold is believed to boost collagen production, giving the skin a youthful glow. Additionally, the endorphin rush post-session can elevate mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression. Some also believe that the body burns more calories in an effort to warm up, potentially aiding in weight loss. However, while these benefits are promising, further research is essential to fully understand and validate these broader implications.


In conclusion, the question of whether to do cryotherapy before or after your workout has no one-size-fits-all answer. Both approaches have their merits, and the optimal timing may differ from person to person. It’s essential to experiment, consider your fitness objectives, and possibly consult with fitness professionals or cryotherapy experts to determine the most suitable cryotherapy timing for your workout routine. Ultimately, the goal is to maximize the benefits and enhance your overall fitness experience.