Is Hair Transplant in Istanbul Expensive?


Hair transplantation is quickly becoming a must-have procedure for people dealing with hair loss all around the globe. As a type of surgery celebrities and other wealthy people can easily afford, people with average incomes started searching for high-quality hair transplantation procedures they could finance as well.

Even though hair transplants are becoming accessible to more and more people worldwide, the majority of the general population still can’t afford the extremely high costs this procedure comes with.

Fortunately, hair transplant in Istanbul is becoming the go-to option for hair transplant patients who are looking for a premium quality but affordable solution. Keep reading to find out why.


Hair transplantation in Turkey

There are a lot of successful and quality clinics that provide hair transplantation treatments across Turkey. This country is becoming a center for medical tourism where people from different parts of the world get various medical procedures done. Hair transplantation isn’t an exception.

For instance, you can check out If you didn’t know, this is a clinic in Istanbul and one of the leading institutions where patients experiencing hair loss can get a high-quality hair transplant in Turkey at an affordable price. The highly-skilled and friendly team makes the entire experience an overwhelmingly positive one.

Dr. Okan Morkoç, the founder of the Clinic and one of Turkey’s most respected surgeons, leads the team and ensures each patient leaves their clinic with a smile on their face and outstanding surgery results. He has helped thousands of local and international patients restore their youthful appearance and boost their self-esteem by allowing them to regrow their natural hair.

With outstanding qualifications and impressive experience, the hair clinic is among the best clinics for hair transplant surgery.


Comparing the costs of hair transplantation

Why is Turkey becoming such a popular destination for medical procedures, especially when it comes to hair transplantation?

Well, it all comes down to the costs that hair transplantation clinics in Turkey charge for their services. Namely, health clinics in other developed countries have incredibly high prices and costs for all procedures, including hair transplantation.

For example, the average cost of a hair transplantation procedure in the UK is £30,000. In the US, it can reach $16,000, making it an extremely overpriced treatment very few people can afford.

In comparison, clinics in Turkey offer much better price deals. It’s possible to find hair transplantation surgeries for as little as €1,500, with the average costs for these procedures running between €1,500 and €2,500 across Turkish hair clinics.

The main reason for this drastic price difference is the total cost medical institutions have to cover. Since Turkish clinics have significantly lower costs compared to other developed countries, they can afford to provide the same service, if not better, at much lower price points and still remain profitable at the end of the day.

However, that doesn’t mean the quality of hair transplant procedures is lower in Turkey than in other countries. Quite the contrary, Turkish clinics are some of the most renowned and famous ones in the hair transplantation field. But, significantly lower costs allow even the most premium clinics to offer much better price points to their clients.


Hair transplantation services

So, what hair transplantation services can interested patients find? The clinic offers several hair transplantation methods, but the two most popular ones are the Sapphire FUE hair transplant and the DHI hair transplant. Beard transplantations have also been rising in popularity over the last few years as men begin to experiment with different beard types and styles.

Sapphire FUE is a method of transplanting follicular units where a surgeon uses a sapphire blade for making incisions instead of a traditional steel blade. Just as its name suggests, the sapphire blade contains a small sapphire gem that ensures clients experience many benefits from their transplantation procedure. Some of them are low scab formation in the donor area, natural hair density, and a seamless recovery process.

During DHI hair transplantation, a surgeon uses a different tool to transplant hair follicles, called the Choi implanter pen. With this innovative tool, the hair transplant surgeon can simultaneously extract and insert the grafts, without making incisions. That means the scalp is barely damaged and the healing process is reduced, while the hairs grow quickly and naturally across the recipient area.

Both of these procedures are done under a local anesthetic for the patient’s maximum comfort. Finally, the outstanding before and after results will ensure you that you’re making the right decision.


Other services in the package

The best thing about Turkish health clinics is that they’re entirely dedicated to their patients. That doesn’t only apply to hair transplantation surgery, but other areas as well.

All clients get a free consultation with a surgeon at the hair clinic, where they can talk about their current condition and the results they want to achieve with transplanted hair. Doctors provide them with their expert opinion and offer personalized advice to each new case.

Additionally, all international clients can take advantage of other services included in their package. Airport transfers, hotel accommodation, hair care products for aftercare, and many other necessities are part of the standard hair transplantation package. The clinic ensures that all patients have a relaxing, pleasant, and stress-free experience while going through their appearance transformation.


Bottom Line

It’s safe to say the hair clinic equips its patients with everything they might need during their stay in Turkey. If you’d like to get a high-quality hair transplant that will grant you natural hair growth and a head full of healthy hair, there’s no need to look further.

It offers superior results at a fair price, proving that excellent hair transplantation doesn’t need to cost a fortune. Say goodbye to hair loss and say hello to your new appearance by choosing one of the best-performing clinics for a hair transplant in Istanbul.