Is Your Home Due for a Roof Replacement?

Source: medium

The roof is definitely part of the home that is considerably more expensive than anything else. But a lot of people ignore and neglect it, until the first leak appears.

Depending on the quality, the roof is meant to last upwards of three decades. And while we can increase the lifespan by an additional decade or so, some signs are hard to ignore. These usually point towards you having to completely replace it with a new one.

In this article, we will take a look at the signs that point towards you needing a roof replacement. Don’t go anywhere as this is one homeowner guide everyone should take a look at. With all that said, let’s start.

Damaged Shingles

Shingles are an important part of the roof that should be carefully inspected after heavy storms. Heavy storms can crack, damage, and even buckle the shingles on our roof. If this is the case, then you’re most certainly going to need some replacements and repairs.

Whether you need to replace them or simply fix a few depends on the severity of the damage.

Since you need to get up there to check the status of the shingles, it is advised that you also do a thorough inspection of the gutters and downspouts. Making sure that the two are operational will greatly increase the lifespan of your roof.

Source: Landmark Roofing

Cracks and Breaks

Cracks and breaks are the number one cause of leakage. Fortunately, cracks and breaks can be less severe than what they might originally sound, so an easy way to take care of this problem is to do some flashing.

In the older days, flashing was done with cement or tar. Nowadays, it is recommended that you use metal flashing because the metal is greatly more durable than cement or tar.


A saggy roof is not something you’d want over your head. This is one issue that sadly doesn’t have a short-term fix. If you’re experiencing sagginess, then you must replace it with a new one.

Knowing that your roof is slowly deteriorating due to moisture is also very easy to spot. When up there, look for any signs of moisture, rotting boards, or saggy spots that give out a weird smell.

Source: azbigmedia

Signs of Moss

Moss might be a harmless plant but it can be a heavy sign that you need to replace your roof. This one is closely connected with the previous, in a sense that moss, mold, and fungi are clear and obvious signs of a deteriorating roof.

Moisture can be a huge financial problem that manifests itself in a couple of ways. Moss is one of those ways, as well as, fungi and mold.

All three can be easily spotted once you get up there, but how would you take care of them?

Well, an easy solution is to grab something (a brush) and start brushing it away.

But this is only a short term solution that doesn’t address the core issues at hand. Your roof still has moisture problems, and you might need to do a whole replacement to solve it.

Fortunately for you, you can get in contact with one of the many roofing companies out there and have them send professionals over to do an inspection. For more information, make sure to visit

Your Roof is Old

Remember what we said at the beginning? Roofs are meant to last anywhere between 20 and 30 years, and you can even give it an additional ten years if you do a good job.

With that said, in very few cases will you need to do a whole replacement if the roof is younger. Let’s say that you have a leaking problem but you’ve installed 10 years ago.

Well, depending on the severity, you might not need to do a whole replacement and instead only fix the areas that are cracked or broken.

But if the roof is older than 30 years, then you might have to consider replacing it.

An old roof will always have issues regardless of how well you maintain it. One leakage after another and you’re stuck having to pay for costly repairs on a monthly bases.

Why not save yourself the trouble and hire pros to install a brand new unit that will not cause any problems or issues?

Source: imperialcraft

Roof Rot

This is a serious sign that shouldn’t be neglected. Rot can cause a lot of problems with wooden infrastructure. It will make it weak, cause it to break easily, and make it a hotspot for moisture, algae, fungus, and moss.

Rot is caused by prolonged exposure to moisture. This isn’t anything unusual when it comes to roofs, as rain is pretty much a common thing in the world.

But poor infrastructure can cause rot. The rot then makes the roof a perfect place for fungus, moss, and algae to grow. This further complicated things as the damage can grow quite severe over time.

There are a couple of signs that you can use to confirm rot.

Missing shingles

Gaps in the roof itself are a huge red flag that needs to be addressed instantly. Missing shingles are a gateway for water to pour into your home. Missing shingles means that your roof’s protection system has been breached and compromised.

If you do manage to spot gaps, then do know that you’re facing a huge problem.

Source: apolloroofingfullerton

Water Spots on the Ceiling

This is yet another concerning sign that you’re facing rot. Since water has poured through the roof, it will start impacting all connecting walls and that also includes the ceiling.

Once you see the first water spots on the ceiling, then do know it’s time to call a professional and have them examine the severity of the problem.

Water spots on the ceiling are a clear and obvious sign of rot. If not taken care of, then you will start experiencing additional leakages and issues that will further complicate things.

Not to mention that water leaks put the homeowner in a difficult financial situation.