5 Most Popular Australian Cakes & Cookies To Try When Visiting

Source: theculturetrip.com

When you think about traditional and popular Australian food, much of the things we already find on our plate originate from this country, without us being aware of it. One thing is for sure, when you first visit, you’ll find it’s hard not to love their food. It is probably because multiculturalism has left a huge impact on the cuisine so that some of the best dishes in the world are served throughout this country. Almost everywhere you can have Mediterranean, Asian, or South American lunch in a small restaurant or as a takeaway.

Although different cultures brought their own cuisines and different foods when they settled, Aboriginal cuisine also had an influence on the foods used today. Some people reading this will find it unimaginable and repulsive, but kangaroo meat is a common food that can be bought in the supermarket. It’s actually something like a wild game, and the taste of the meat is more similar to wild game than domestic animals. Also, if you want, you can try emu or crocodile, but it’s still not an everyday food.

However, this is not the topic of this article. Here, we wanna tell you all you need to know about their sweets.

Source: taste.com.au

But let’s start with eating habits first

The first meal of the day is the brekkie or breakfast. And this one can never be imagined without Vegemite, one of the first things people associate with this country. It is a by-product created during the brewing of beer, i.e. yeast spread. It looks like a chocolate spread, but the taste is not even close to chocolate, but rather a mix of the salty and bitter taste. It is most often spread on toast, but it can also be used in sandwiches or, if you really want, in any other dish. Cereals with milk are also popular because they are quick to prepare. On the way to work, buy a coffee on the way and you are ready for the working day.

Due to the busy lifestyle, lunch is usually on the go. Sandwiches, leftovers from dinner, or occasional takeaway.

Dinner is the main meal of the day here. Some may take a while to get used to this. And when thinking about what to eat for dinner, you can really let your imagination run wild. From quick solutions like pizza or fish and chips to make a fine steak in the kitchen. Fish and other seafood are very popular, but so are beef and red meat in general. Of course, it is not bad to accompany the meal with some nice beer or cider. Ciders are far more popular here than in the rest of the world and the selection is many times greater, and crafted beers are more and more popular, so you can try anything in that area as well. There’s even a carb-free beer.

Now, let’s talk sweets…

As we said, this is a country proud of its multiculturism, therefore the list of sweets one should try is quite long. However, we have selected a few signature ones, you simply have to try them.

1. Lamington

Source: taste.com.au

Humble and simple, the Lamington is perhaps the most famous Australian/New Zealand dessert created at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Its original version – in the simple form of a cube dipped in chocolate and rolled in coconut crumbs – is the most popular, and newer versions with two biscuits between which you can find cream, strawberry, raspberry, and sometimes lemon jam is becoming more and more common. The aforementioned, newer versions are most popular in the states of Victoria and South Australia, while the lemon version is most prevalent in New Zealand.

2. Pavlova cake

Because of its geographical position, all the greatest holidays like Easter are celebrated in the fall. Christmas comes at the peak of the summer, and one cake that is typically served is the Pavlova cake. What you need to know about it, is that it’s a classic. By no chance you are to miss out on trying it because regardless of being a typical Christmas treat, it’s also served all year long, the only difference is the fruit used for the topping, as they strive for it to be fresh and seasonal. It’s very light and refreshing. A perfect summer dessert you can indulge in The Cupcake Room for example.

The story behind it is that it was made for a famous Russian ballerina Ana Pavlova, while she was touring Australia and New Zealand. That’s why they also call it the ballerina cake. Although it sounds interesting, there is no historical proof this is true.

3. Caramel slice

Source: bestrecipes.com.au

Caramel slice is by far the most popular sweets here. It was invented in the seventies, and soon became one of the most loved local deserts. Judging by its composition, it was probably inspired by Scottish cuisine. What you’ll find are different variations of the cake, as you go from one venue to another. Some will have crushed biscuits instead of flour, for example.  The recipe is quite easy to make, and it’s a good idea to bring it home with you. Make it at home, and treat your friends and family to a little taste of Australia. The best thing about them is that they can stay fresh for as long as a week if you keep them refrigerated.

4. Fairy bread

If you are lucky enough to attend a birthday party while staying in Australia, you’ll notice slices of bread sprinkled with colored sugar crumbs. Although the name sounds childish, this dessert is very much loved by the adults as well.

5. The vegemite brownie

Source: eativitynews.com

We’ve already mentioned Vegemite being one of the signature breakfast spreading, and you’ve all tasted brownies for sure. How about the ones with vegemite? When in Australia, give this exciting flavor a chance, and we guarantee you’ll love it.

That’s it for our list of the most popular sweets Aussies like to treat themselves to after a rich meal. Make sure you don’t skip any and feel free to extend it with some of your own likings.