Best Guide for Travelling to Egypt with Family & Children

The greatest gift a parent can give to his children is knowledge and a sense of adventure which means there is only one destination in the entire world that can provide both in the most magical manner. Egypt has always been the place of travel for the entire family as it is the home of the oldest ancient civilization that ever came to be dating more than 5000 years ago. During spending Egypt tours with family and kids, there is a number of amazing activities in Cairo, Luxor, and Aswan that enables every member of the family to explore the allure and grandeur of an ancient civilization and explore a level of entertainment only to be found in Egypt.

Egypt the Birthplace of Humanity Safety Measures

Safety Measures is the most important element of any traveling experience especially if you are traveling with your family that’s why Egypt is the ideal destination as every corner of the city is equipped with every security measures possible especially all around the historical attractions located in Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, and Aswan, also there are wide variety of travel companies in Egypt, but not a lot who can care about everything a family will need in Egypt during their vacation, but also a few of them has the experience to organize complete family vacation like The military and the police have spread all over the country to ensure the safety of every single family whether foreign or domestic which led to over more than 10 million visitors to come to Egypt in 2019 and declared the most attractive place to visit in 2024 which means the number of travelers is on the rise.

Visit the Pyramids with Your Family and Kids

From the images and lessons of your history class lays a true miracle that can be explored with the entire family in the heart of Cairo. There are over 100 pyramids in Egypt but the most famous is the great Giza Pyramids complex that holds the three great Pyramids of Giza which includes the only and only great pyramid of Khufu the last known wonder out of the ancient seven wonders of the ancient world accompanied with the oldest known statue to man the colossal sphinx plus countless others like the center of the mummification the valley temple, the oldest pyramid ever built the step Pyramid and way more.

Old Cairo and It’s Amazing Attractions for Variety Religion

The city of old Cairo is a true destination worthy of exploring as it gained the title of the city of minarets due to the hundreds of Islamic constructions all over the city dating to the 10th century like the Ibn Tulan mosque, Al Azher mosque, Amr Ibn Alas Mosque & many more and in their proximity is the golden street of Khan el Khalili Bazaar the biggest market place in Egypt. In Cairo is also a number of amazing churches from the Coptic era such as the hanging church, St George church plus a synagogue called Ben Ezra.

Luxor Must Be Discovered With Family and Kids

Luxor is a gift for explorers from all ages both kids and adults as all will appreciate the beauty and importance of Luxor which holds the biggest collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts and monuments in the world that represents the third of all the world archaeological treasures that comes in the shapes of incredible necropolis and temples such as the enchanting Hatshepsut temple, the great Karnak complex, the Colossi of Memnon, the stunning Luxor Temple, the divine valley of the kings that possess the tomb of the boy King Tutankamuen and many more legendary Kings and Queens.

Aswan the Beauty Good Choice for Family and Kids

Aswan is a gate to the ancient culture and myths of ancient Egypt, famous for being the city of the Nubian culture, offering the best exploration trip to any family to fully discover all mysteries and tales around the great Edfu temple, the Philae temple, Kom Ombo temple, the great Abu Simbel temples and many more.

A Nile Cruise Experience in Upper Egypt Must to do With Family

In Egypt, there is a magical vessel called a Nile cruise that will take every member of the family on board a sailing hotel that offers the chance to children and adults to gaze at the sight of ageless constructions across the bank of the Nile and watch the light of the sun & moon reflecting off the surface of the Nile while enjoying yourselves with the buffet meals, drinks, live shows, and a lot more entertaining activities.

There is no better place to visit for family and children than Egypt as it simply has all the elements needed to have a great time whether it was to learn some new information about ancient history or play the role of an explorer and simply have fun on board a Nile cruise between Luxor and Aswan or in Cairo or across of the magical shores of the red sea, whatever you and your family need Egypt totally got it.