8 Things To Know Before Buying A German Shepherd Puppy

Getting a new puppy is an amazing decision. You will get an additional member of your family that will love you and cherish you every day of their life. Nowadays there are almost 400 different dog breeds that are officially recognized, and they all have their specific traits. If you are interested in getting a new puppy then there are things you must know about each breed so you can make the right decision. In this article, we are going to tell you some of the things you need to know about the German shepherd puppy before buying it. You may also visit HoundGames.

1. You need to give them enough space

Let’s start with something that should influence your choice greatly. Even though the German shepherd puppy you are looking at right now is small and adorable, it will soon grow up and take a lot of space.

This breed is not recommended for those who don’t have enough space, and for those who don’t have enough time to let the dog walk or run. If you live in a house, then this may be the right breed for you, however, if you live in a studio apartment and if you work long hours, you may want to choose another dog.

Source: German Shepherd Dog HQ

2. They are mouthy

Before getting a new puppy, you should know that this is a breed that likes to chew on things, especially when they are young.

Later on, you will be able to train them and teach them what they cannot chew on, and what their toys are, but be ready to hide your shoes for the first few months. You should also know that they will go through their toys rather fast, and you may need to invest either in more expensive and durable toys, or you will need to replace them over and over again.

3. They are extremely loyal

Now let’s talk about one of the best traits of this breed – these dogs are extremely loyal, and they will do everything for their owners. They are extremely smart, and they will show you they love you with everything they do. They will commit to you forever, and this also means that if you decide to buy this puppy, you should never abandon them.

If you choose to get them, you should not change your mind after a month or two, and you should be with them for as long as they are alive.

Source: American Kennel Club

4. They are some of the easiest dogs to train

These puppies are the easiest dogs to train, and you probably already knew that they are often used as police dogs. If you want to have the best companion in your life and a dog that will respect everything you say, you need to put some time into the training sessions.

Know that if you don’t know how to properly do it, you can always consult with a professional and get things done right. The sooner you start the process, the better and easier it is going to be for you.

5. The price varies greatly

When it comes to the price of these puppies, it can vary greatly. Depending on the age, the breed, and the documents you are going to get with it, the price starts around 500 dollars. Note that for a purebred puppy that has been certified, you may need to spend more than 1000 dollars.

It also depends on the parents of the puppy, and the documentation you are going to get with it. As you can see if you click here, with most puppies in the price the following is included, current vaccinations, veterinarian examination, health certificate, health guarantee, and depending on your location, the shipping can be included as well.

Source: German Shepherd Shop

6. You need to pay attention to them

If you want to purchase a German shepherd dog, you need to be aware that you have to give them time and attention. These are extremely loving puppies, but they don’t want to be left alone all the time. This is not a toy that you can just put away when you are bored or when you don’t have time, so you need to be ready for the responsibility.

If you work long hours, and if you cannot give this breed everything it needs, maybe you should opt for another breed that is okay with being left alone.

7. You need to make sure they get enough exercise

To make sure your puppy stays healthy, and to make sure it is always happy and taken care of, you need to provide them enough exercise.

If you don’t do this, they will become loud, and chances are, they will start destroying your property. These dogs will easily get bored if they cannot spend enough time outside, so if you live in a house, it is better to leave them to roam the yard freely. In case you live in an apartment, make sure you take them on long walks at least twice per day. On the same note, try not to keep them leashed at all times, and let them run in the park or in the dog park.

Source: WallpaperAccess

8. You need to be prepared to clean after them

Now let’s talk about something that many owners are concerned about – the shedding. There is no easy way to say this, but this breed does shed a lot. So, you need to be ready to clean after them, and they are not the best choice if you let them get up on the furniture or sleep with you in the same bed.

You will need to clean your clothes, and because of that, it is always best to keep them outside. However, the shedding depends on their food and the season, so in some seasons you will get a break from cleaning after them all the time.

Know that you may need to invest a lot of money in their care, and this does not end with the money you give to purchase them. Make sure you are ready for the commitment that comes with owning a dog. If you choose to purchase this breed, know that you will be making the right choice. These dogs are extremely faithful, loving, they are really smart, easy to train, and they will be yours and your family’s guard for the rest of their lives.