California Meal Delivery Services – Who is the Best?

Cooking can be a difficult situation for a big family. You must go to the grocery store, find a good recipe, and do all the cooking. This circumstance can be a huge problem if you do not know how to cook nor any delicious recipes. What if you made a mistake on your recipe and all your family members must eat this horrible meal?

What if you could eliminate several of these steps and cook a proven delicious meal. This will deeply increase your cooking skills amongst your family members, but also you will all eat healthily and happily together. Let us introduce you to modern time’s where a whole industry developed to help this niche of people called the meal delivery service. A meal delivery service is a company that gives you the ability to order meals that come with all ingredients in proper serving, and recipes. All you have do is follow instructions and boom, “you have a delicious meal for your family.

If looking for a service offering meal kit delivery there is no doubt that you will find numerous options presenting a challenge for picking the right one. There are varying meal kits to cater to your particular nutritional needs and requirements including when the diet is just for yourself or a couple of family members.

With grocery delivery services, especially as the world continues to observe social distancing because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it makes you avoid going shopping regularly. Similarly, the ingredients and cooking instructions delivery services make cooking healthy meals more convenient since there is no preparation involved.

One of the companies is Sun Basket

Source: Hello Subscription

This meal kit company is one of the popular options and it is located in San Francisco, California. Founded in 2014 the company is accessible for supplying to your home healthy recipes and fresh, natural ingredients for cooking your foods. The company is conscious of your health and that of the environment.

In terms of the meal schedule and recipe delivery frequency, it can be done as you may require such as weekly. Subsequently, below is more information about the service that you may need to help in choosing the right meal schedule and recipe delivery company.

Another popular company is Hello Fresh

Source: HelloFresh

Hello Fresh is the golden standard of meal delivery companies. They are the most innovative and first meal delivery company that was started in 2011. By far they are leading the #1 company with their amazing recipes for their great meals. Hello Fresh can be ordered anywhere across the U.S.  They offer different meal plans depending on your diet or preference.

The Working of the Meal Design and Recipe Delivery Service

Source: Epicurious

Meal Plans

There are different meal ideas to choose from all these companies. Depending on your diet, or preference it will fit your needs. May you be a vegan, keto, low-carb, or if you have any other diet restriction. Each company has its own method to help you follow your meal macros which is a beautiful thing.

The grocery delivery company also delivers an array of meal plans and useful recommendations. Because of the food plan options, it is possible to find a meal for your nutritional needs and taste. Some of the meal options available include:

• Meals that take less than 30 minutes to make
• Vegetarian meals
• Recipes recommended for diabetic people
• Meals rich in proteins and dairy, gluten, and soy-free
• Seafood dishes
• White or red meat
• Breakfast options such as portable soups
• Pre-packaged snacks
• Mediterranean
• Lean and clean
• Paleo

Cooking Support Materials

The meal delivery service makes available a recipe booklet and not a recipe card for the recipes it endorses and the ones you picked per week. The booklet comes in handy for homes that love cooking meals using fresh, innovative recipes.

From the recipe book, the recipes delivered are simple and stress-free to understand and follow. There are photos accompanying every cooking step. The recipes can also be accessed digitally through the app or website. Understand though that the digitally available cooking guidelines cannot be printed or downloaded.

Apart from the recipe booklet, another vital support material supplied is in the form of how-to videos. The videos come in handy in helping you cook an excellent meal by providing different information such as how to slice onions rightly. The information is particularly great if you are not an expert cook.

Source: The Chicken Wire – Chick-fil-A

Wrapping of Meals

The meal delivery company makes a concerted and commendable effort only to use packaging materials that can decay and be recycled. If you are eco-conscious then the company may just be the right partner for you.

Note though that you should check with your area if it allows the recycling of the plastic-type used for the packaging of meals. If recycling is not permitted, you will have to throw the plastic away and further contribute to environmental littering and degradation.

Menu Pricing

In general, the menu is priced per meal. Depending on the different company they offer certain specials at different times. There’s been a new trend to discount if you buy 3, 4, or 5 subscription boxes. This helps these companies since it seems that a lot of people tend to cancel after their first order. Within the whole circumstance with Corona Virus has increased the popularity of these services. Some of the companies work with local farmers so the ingredients the company provides are organic and fresh and so you will benefit from healthy and delicious meals worth the price.

Why Order Meal Delivery Sera Provides Organic Foods and Ingredients

Source: Uber Eats

Organic foods and ingredients come with more nutrients and are not cultivated and preserved using harmful chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives. The practice of the business is safe for humans and environmental health.

b. Helps Save Time

Using a delivery company you do not have to involve yourself in regular shopping and meal planning. You are provided with different recipes and meals to cook.

c. Suitable for Families

The delicious meals are kid-friendly, and it is possible to involve your kid in the cooking process such as washing tomatoes. The amount of food the company offers is also suitable for smaller and average-sized families.

Why the Meal Delivery Service May Not Be Suitable

Source: Designbuzz

If you do not like cooking and eating organic, garden-fresh foods this food delivery option may not be the best. As well since the service is relatively more expensive than its competitors it is not suitable if you are on a small budget.

Canceling the Service

While canceling the service is possible, the main issue may be that it involves customer service. It may be better and more convenient if the service can be canceled online through the user account.


• More than 25 varying meal options available
• Eco-friendly meal packaging
• Natural ingredients for achieving a healthier eating lifestyle. The company also provides not so usual ingredients like nigella seeds
• There is no preparation involved before cooking
• Full-service recipes
• The food preparation takes less than 25 minutes
• Modifying your meal box is possible to a level that is much better than the option offered by other meal kit businesses.
• Super convenient delivery of ingredients to your doorstep


• May be relatively expensive than other businesses offering meal delivery
• Every delivery may include the same ingredients

Source: ColoradoBiz Magazine

In Conclusion

There is no doubt that when you decide to order Sun Basket or Hello Fresh you will appreciate its worth in various ways. The nourishments supplied are delicious and your grocery shopping trips are considerably reduced. The food prepared is environmental-friendly and safe and can fit in the eating needs of different people and there are various nutritional options offered like gluten-free and low-carb.

Although the culinary process takes only a few minutes and thus excellent if you are always busy, you can still feel you are involved. You must put in a little effort into cooking by following the visual and text-based instructions.

You can try out this generally outstanding meal delivery service today and share your experience with us.