How to Use Sananga: A Guide to Harnessing the Power of Amazonian Healing 


Sananga is a traditional medicinal eye drop, derived from the roots of the Tabernaemontana undulata or sananho shrub, native to the Amazon rainforest. This plant-based remedy has been used by indigenous tribes for centuries, believed to offer both physical and spiritual healing. Sananga is now gaining popularity worldwide due to its purported benefits, which include improved vision, detoxification, and spiritual insights. This guide provides an in-depth look at Sananga, exploring its origins, preparation, application, benefits, potential risks, and the integration of its use into modern wellness practices.

Origins and Cultural Significance

The roots of Sananga lie deep within the Amazonian tribal traditions, where it has been used by shamans and healers for generations. In these communities, it’s not just a physical treatment but a spiritual sacrament, believed to cleanse not only the eyes but the spirit as well. The preparation and application of Sananga are often accompanied by rituals and prayers, emphasizing its significance beyond mere physical healing.


Preparation of Sananga

To prepare Sananga, the roots of the Tabernaemontana plant are first harvested, then thoroughly cleaned and finely shaved into small pieces. These shavings are mixed with clean water. The Sananga is extracted by pressing this mixture through a mesh bag, resulting in a bright yellow liquid that forms the eye drops. Alternatively, Sananga roots can be dried, ground into a powder, and stored for future use. When required, this powder is mixed with water to create the eyedrops. However, this method tends to yield a weaker solution that is less complex compared to the preparation using fresh roots.

Application Process

The application of Sananga can be quite intense and should be approached with caution. Traditionally, it’s administered by a shaman or an experienced individual. The person receiving Sananga is usually seated or lying down. The drops are then carefully applied into each eye. The experience can be painful, causing a burning sensation that can last for several minutes. This discomfort is often interpreted as part of the cleansing process, releasing emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages.

Perceived Benefits

The use of Sananga is associated with various benefits. Traditionally, it’s believed to improve vision, both physically and metaphorically, enhancing one’s ability to see the world clearly. It’s also said to aid in the treatment of physical eye conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, and myopia. Beyond ocular health, Sananga is used to cleanse the body of toxins, improve mental clarity, and foster deep spiritual insights.


Potential Risks and Considerations

While Sananga is natural, it is not without risks. The intense burning sensation it causes can be overwhelming for some users, and there is a potential for adverse reactions, particularly in individuals with sensitive eyes or pre-existing eye conditions. It is crucial to obtain Sananga from reputable sources to ensure it has been prepared correctly and safely. Beginning with a weaker concentration of Sananga and gradually working up to a stronger one is also advisable. Additionally, consulting a healthcare professional before using Sananga is recommended, especially for those with existing health concerns.

Integration into Modern Wellness Practices

In contemporary wellness circles, Sananga is being embraced as part of a holistic approach to health. It’s often used in conjunction with other Amazonian medicines like Ayahuasca, as well as meditation and yoga practices. This integration reflects a growing interest in indigenous healing traditions, recognizing the value of these ancient practices in modern life.

Navigating the Ethical Implications

The increasing popularity of Sananga in the global wellness community brings forth ethical considerations. It’s essential to acknowledge and respect the cultural heritage of Sananga, understanding its sacred place in Amazonian traditions. Ethical sourcing is crucial, ensuring that the demand for Sananga does not negatively impact the environment or the indigenous communities. It’s also important to approach its use with cultural sensitivity, respecting the spiritual aspects that are integral to its traditional application.


Guidelines for First-Time Users

For those new to Sananga, it is recommended to start with a guided session, ideally under the supervision of a practitioner familiar with Amazonian healing practices or someone with experience in its use. The initial doses should be minimal or weaker, gradually increasing to stronger concentrations as one becomes accustomed to the sensation and effects. It’s also important to use Sananga in a calm and supportive environment, as the experience can be both intense and introspective.

Understanding the Spiritual Aspect

In indigenous cultures, Sananga is more than a physical treatment; it’s a spiritual tool. It’s believed to open the inner vision, allowing deeper insight into one’s life and challenges. The use of Sananga in a spiritual context often involves setting intentions, meditation, and sometimes accompanying rituals. This aspect can be an integral part of the healing process and is often what sets Sananga apart from conventional eye treatments.

Combining Sananga with Other Practices

Sananga can be combined with various holistic practices to enhance its benefits. For instance, it’s often used in conjunction with Ayahuasca ceremonies to deepen the spiritual experience. Yoga and meditation can also complement the use of Sananga, aiding in grounding and integrating the experience. It’s important, however, to approach such combinations with an understanding of how these practices interact and under the guidance of knowledgeable practitioners.


Aftercare and Integration

After using Sananga, taking time for rest and reflection is important. The experience can be intense, and the body and mind may need time to process and integrate the experience. Some users report heightened emotional sensitivity or increased clarity of thought post-application. Engaging in activities like journaling, gentle yoga, or meditation can be beneficial in integrating the experience.

Moving Forward with Respect and Understanding

As Sananga makes its way into more diverse health and wellness circles, it’s imperative to continue approaching it with respect and understanding. This involves acknowledging its roots, being mindful of its cultural significance, and using it in a way that honors its origins. By doing so, individuals can harness the benefits of Sananga while contributing to the preservation and appreciation of indigenous wisdom and practices.


Sananga, with its deep roots in Amazonian healing traditions, offers a unique blend of physical and spiritual healing. Its application and effects, while intense, can lead to profound insights and benefits. As with any traditional medicine, it’s important to approach Sananga with respect, caution, and an open mind. Whether used for physical healing, spiritual growth, or as part of a broader wellness practice, Sananga presents an opportunity to connect with an ancient healing tradition and explore new dimensions of health and well-being.