Do You Need to Master Programming Languages to Do SEO?


Importance of investing in SEO is more than a necessity, a priority. Being visible online marks the fine line between being present and being invisible to your target audience. It is also important not only to appear in search engines but to do so in the first results. And although current data estimates that more than 50% of companies have never invested in SEO, we give you the keys to check its effectiveness. Just keep reading because this post would be useful for you.

Source: HubSpot

What is SEO exactly?

SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization or what is the same, web positioning. It is one of the digital marketing strategies that helps you have a presence on the Internet. SEO positioning techniques are very efficient when combined with good web design and original content. In addition, if you add an SEM campaign to this, you will be optimizing traffic to your page even more, thus forming a suitable digital marketing plan that meets your needs.

Why invest in SEO?

It is important to start by clarifying that you should see SEO as an investment, and not as an expense. If you want your business or online store to obtain the benefits you seek, search engine positioning will be your greatest ally. Over time, it will be very profitable for you to position the most important keywords in Google, managing to compete with the leaders of your sector for that first position.

Source: Medium

Main benefits of SEO

SEO has many benefits, among which the following stand out:

– It will make your brand known. We all would like our page to appear in the first results in Google searches. Carrying out a good positioning job will enable us to compete with large companies in our sector.

– It will attract more potential customers. If you choose your keywords well and achieve a good position in them, you will get a good portion of potential customers.

– It will give credibility to your company. The higher your position, the more visits you will have on your website. Few people make it to the third or fourth page looking for the result they want. With all the reasons provided, you will see that it is important to bet on a digital marketing plan, as well as a good investment in SEO.

A good question before starting your SEO campaign

As said above, SEO is a widely used form of online advertising today. Today, all prestigious corporate websites struggle to optimize their web pages and take them to the top positions for certain user searches. This is the only way to ensure greater visibility and, therefore, an increase in conversions and profits. For positioning, Google bots rely on reading the code of the webs to establish search results. Therefore, a good question before starting an SEO campaign is if you have to know how to program. In this article we are going to tell you if it is necessary to know programming to do.

Source: PopArt Studio

Do I need to know programming for writing SEO articles for business blogs?

We have already told you that Google bots are dedicated to scanning the code of the webs. They crawl certain tags to catalog pages based on their content. Depending on certain criteria, a page will be considered better or worse in the eyes of Google.

The code for a web page is written in a programming language. Some of these languages ​​are Java, C #, PHP, etc. The choice of programming language is very important in optimizing websites that are made to be used as a means of selling. But not all website owners master these languages, which is why most of commercial website owners use the services of a Digital Marketing Agency like These languages ​​shape all the elements that you can see on the internet, being the fundamental structure of the corporate website. In this code there are tags that play a very important role in search engine positioning. Some of these elements are:

  •     Labels H1, H2, H3, H4, …
  •     Page title
  •     Meta description
  •     Url
  •     ALT tags of an image
  •     Page content
  •     Blog posts

In addition to programming languages, there are tools that allow you to build websites without complications such as WordPress or Prestashop for online stores.


So, do you have to program to do SEO?

To build a website in a professional way, you have to know how to program. However, to create content and write SEO articles you do not need to know more than a few basic concepts of the web page language. Depending on how a web page is built, it will be more or less complex to write content and optimize the pages of a website for SEO.

When building a website in WordPress, whether it is professionally or amateurishly, content publishing is guided by this type of tool. In this way, SEO article writing becomes an easy task. These platforms allow you to configure everything at the SEO level, such as programming posts, H1, H2, H3 tags,…, ALT tags and meta description. At the computing level, it is similar to writing a text in any editor such as Microsoft Word. In some cases, you may need to know basic commands such as bold, italic, and H1 tags to understand the code. This task is useful for optimizing websites at the SEO level such as crawling H1 and H2 headings.

However, there are websites that are custom built through programming. These sites are characterized because they can add modules and new sections more easily and simply. In this type of web page, the publication of articles can be done in a complex or simple way depending on how this functionality has been configured. Therefore, you do not have to know how to program to perform SEO. This includes both the writing of SEO articles and the rest of the aspects that search engine optimization involves.