Get inspired: 7 Most Profitable Post-Pandemic Business Ideas in 2024


The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way the world works. Most of the paradigms of our modern society have been disrupted by social distancing protocols, lockdown measures, and other changes in the way people live that were unthinkable before the pandemic.

While this may sound like a pessimistic overview of things, it is actually a good starting point for some out-of-the-box thinking. Incredible business ideas have emerged from moments of crisis and the COVID-19 health emergency is definitely setting the stage for entrepreneurs.

Here are some ideas of business you may be seeing in a post-pandemic world. Whether you decide to start your own or invest in one, these are businesses you should watch out for as they are here to stay.

Need more inspiration? Review this list of the most profitable businesses made in collaboration with Camino Financial, an online lender that helps US entrepreneurs transform their ideas into growing businesses.

Most profitable business ideas in a post-coronavirus world

Every time a crisis hits our world, many people spend their time focusing on the problem instead of redirecting their efforts towards finding a suitable –and marketable– solution.

Think of solar panels. Climate change is a reality and it is affecting the world. As a result, someone took the time to invent a potential solution to reduce carbon emissions by proposing self-sufficient environments powered by these devices. Now, the market for solar panels is estimated to be worth around $50 billion.

A similar new –and profitable– trend could emerge from COVID-19 and these are some ideas that could start gaining some traction.

1. Delivery business


Even though the market is filled with major players in this particular industry –Uber Eats, Grub Hub– there are still a wide range of opportunities, especially when it comes to serving market niches.

The delivery services market in the US is worth more than $100 billion and you could tap into it by starting a business that serves a small segment such as older individuals, the most virus-sensitive population, or a delivery service specialized in the transportation of certain goods – i.e. refrigerated goods.

2. Workplace design


Companies around the world have to rethink the way their offices and buildings are designed to follow social distancing protocols. Workplaces are certainly going to change and designers and architectures have a big challenge ahead.

Whoever manages to create safe work environments that encourage employees to head back to the office is surely going to cash in in a post-coronavirus economy.

3. Business continuity consulting


Businesses are now aware of the risks of not having a contingency plan that outlines how to react if another wave of this virus takes place or even during a potential outbreak of another unknown strain.

A consultant specializing in a growing field known as ‘business continuity’ could provide guidance for businesses that want to stay on top of these potential scenarios to make sure they continue operating despite another virus-related crisis.

4. Workplace safety consulting


Companies around the world have to rethink the way their offices and buildings are designed to follow social distancing protocols. Workplaces are certainly going to change and designers and architectures have a big challenge ahead.

Whoever manages to create safe work environments that encourage employees to head back to the office is surely going to cash in in a post-coronavirus economy.

One key to successfully pitch your designs to potential clients is focus on combining a modern design with the required safety protocols that offices will now require.

5. Home office design


Remote work is here to stay as well, as many companies are shifting to this practice as a way to protect employees during a virus outbreak.

However, not all homes were designed with this particular new trend in mind and workers are now wondering how they can set up a home office that caters to their needs.

A profitable business in a post-coronavirus world will find ways to help workers in solving this need and as companies grow more accustomed to this trend, they are surely going to invest some money in aiding employees to set up ideal work environments at home.

6. Virtual fitness trainer


With the rise of fitness streaming services such as Peloton it has become clear that people want guidance and motivation to work out while they work from home and this trend is likely to continue growing, as not everybody will feel comfortable enough to come back to the office for a while.

If you have experience teaching others certain disciplines, like yoga or kickboxing, you can take advantage of these platforms to advertise your services. You can also rely on social media to promote yourself and get some clients who would benefit from getting their routines from a trained professional.

7. Contact tracer recruiter


Contact tracing involves researching and identifying the people with which a patient had encounters and interactions after he/she has been tested positive for the virus.

At the moment, this activity is well compensated in most developed countries as there’s a high risk of getting sick even with the required safety protocols in place.

Since only a handful of people will probably agree to being exposed to those risks, those who are able to recruit and enroll contact tracers for government institutions or other agencies are likely to be in high demand and you could offer those services if you feel you are up to the task.

Bottom line

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and, as an entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to profit from emerging trends by developing solutions to the needs that this new world is demanding.

The above-mentioned business ideas are just some possibilities in a growing universe of needs that are likely to surface as a result of this pandemic and you can expand the range of potential businesses by doing some brainstorming.

Have you thought about how the world is going to look like when this is over? How can you profit from new trends emerging from a virus-conscious world? What other profitable business do you see in a post-pandemic world?