How to Prepare the House for Spring Without Going to the Store

Spring is a time for a change. But if you are not ready for global changes, it is enough to emphasize them to make your apartment look fresh and cheerful.

Do you want a global change for spring? Stop! Before you buy something new, you should first do general cleaning. Clean windows, no dust on the shelves, washed curtains and metal surfaces without grease stains – all this will make the house shine and sparkle in a new way! We recommend using the services of a cleaning company with years of experience –

Professionals of their craft will perform cleaning of the highest quality, even if you need it urgently! Try it and you’ll be surprised at how cleanness changes the perception of the room and how convenient cleaning is in today’s world.

Add greenery

Another way to prepare the interior for spring is to let in some lively greenery. In addition, to cut bouquets or potted plants, paintings and posters with large plant prints in a bright green refreshing palette are suitable for this purpose – a good solution for those who do not feel the strength to care for live plants in the house but also do not want to splurge on artificial plastic greenery, which looks inappropriate and cheap at home.

Young plants need soil freshening. The pot should also be updated by buying a slightly larger model so that the growing roots are not cramped.

Mature plants also require attention. It is enough to renew the top layer of soil and fertilize. It is best to do this in March when the sun is not yet so active. Then your flowers will be ready to soak up the sun’s warmth and delight your eye.

  • Arrange and hang flowers in pots around the apartment, you don’t have to grow them today, but you can buy flowers that are already in bloom.
  • Decorate the house with snowdrops, mimosa, willow, the first tulips, and other spring flowers.
  • Place fresh flowers in vases more often, even simple chrysanthemums.

Keep your shelves tidy

Shelves, shelves, and window sills are always in plain sight, and it is by them that the overall impression of the interior is formed. Take a good look at what’s on them and put them in order. Wiping and rearranging visible areas can help freshen up the room. Paint books on the shelves in different colors to create a bright accent.

Everything has its place



With the arrival of spring, winter things can be put away until the next season. However, you should not clutter up your balcony with them. If you do not have a special place for seasonal items, you can use special self-storage services and send for the temporary storage of Christmas trees, sleds, skis, and other winter items that are not useful to you in spring and summer. And the balcony is better to use for direct purposes. Buy potted plants and put them on the balcony, equip the area lounge, putting there a cozy chair and a table so that in the morning you can enjoy a cup of delicious coffee or tea.

Garage Sale

Have you been going through your closets and shelves and found lots of cute little things you no longer need? Have a garage sale! Invite your friends over and give away all the stuff: after all, what you’re tired of might come in handy for others!

Don’t be lazy to get into the farthest cabinets and run a damp cloth over their surfaces, and wipe the inner shelves with polish, removing the electrification and refreshing the inside of the closet. Things, by the way, should also be hung out on the balcony and given a good shake, freeing the folds of fabric from the dust mites.

Everyone knows that old thing are not useful, but they are a burden to their owners, cluttering the apartment. Don’t believe that they will ever come in handy! Old unwanted rags just take up space in the closet, and there’s nothing to wear anyway. Maybe you should make room for new stylish looks? After all, it’s springtime!

Don’t bypass the refrigerator, kitchen shelves, and spices

Living food is fresh food! Eat more fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs, and vitamins in the spring. However, if your refrigerator and freezer haven’t been disinfected for a long time, which, by the way, should be weekly, your live food will become a carrier of harmful germs.

Products that we bring from the store, are most often put in the fridge without first disinfecting.  According to studies, there are more bacteria in the freezer than in the toilet, because they get there with meat and fish products, and they are rarely disinfected.

Check your kitchen shelves for moths and old cereal, which is where pests like to hide the most. Throwing away all spoiled and expired foods will only help your body fight off infections and vitamin deficiencies.

Fresh Air

Circulate spring air and air out your apartment more often. Spring-fresh air will cheer you up and lift your spirits better than any artificial fragrance. Even if the temperature outside has not yet settled, airing every day for a few minutes is sure to produce results.

Try to leave the window open at night. It’s proven to make it easier for you to wake up and fall asleep. Use these simple tips to get your apartment ready for spring!

The magic of scents


We often underestimate the importance of scents in creating a cozy home atmosphere. And yet pleasant scents can set us in a positive mood and create a feeling of freshness in the house. Of course, after cleaning and tidying up your house, it will certainly be easier to breathe, but now is the time to “saturate” the air in the house with pleasant scents. This will help your perfume for the house in the form of sprays and diffusers, natural fragrances, and perfumed candles. When choosing specific fragrances, you should give preference to invigorating citrus and delicate floral scents – too sweet, spicy, and heavy smells are more associated with winter.