Replacing Your Kitchen Cabinets From Start to Finish

Source: houselogic

Your kitchen cabinets are the building blocks of your kitchen, one of the focal points of the home in 2024. Once the walls and boundaries are established, the cabinets and islands are responsible for making up the outline and determining the flow of the kitchen. They form the base to hold your countertop. They determine where appliances can and should be placed. They influence the style of appliances that will look best, will they be stainless steel? White enamel? Or possibly discreet and hidden by utilizing cabinet facing?

So not only do they serve as storage to contain your spices, food and tools required to complete your daily cooking, but they also help create a sense of character and atmosphere in the room. Campus Connection Management Company says, making changes to your cabinets can have a significant impact, especially if your current cabinets are well-worn and on their way out. However, just because your cabinets are in decline this doesn’t mean you have to break the bank buying new cabinets and hiring a professional to buy new ones. Instead you can look to replacing your kitchen cabinets yourself.

Now, although this process may sound rather complex, it’s not as difficult as you may first believe. With the right tools it can be completed relatively simply, though it may take a bit longer when compared to the work of a professional.  So, where do you get started?

1. Remove Your Old Kitchen Cabinets

Source: aaronstouchup

You can begin the process of replacing your kitchen cabinets by tearing out your old ones. Naturally the process will begin by emptying them in their entirety. It’s a perfect opportunity to sort through old or expired spices and canned goods, and donate excess dinnerware, cups and utensils.

Once empty, the process can usually be completed with some basic tools, removing screws to take apart your cabinets. Begin with the doors and place them in an area that’s out of the way. Once you’ve taken off the doors you can begin taking down the cabinets themselves. If you don’t have any instructions from initial installation, look for the screws on the cabinet itself. Cabinets are typically screwed into the walls behind them, as well as to each other from inside. If you are also removing the lower cabinets, you may also need to remove the countertop or sink. We recommend having professional help with the removal of anything plumbing related, and possibly a second set of hands to remove heavy countertops. Always make sure there is someone with you throughout to prevent the cabinet from unexpectedly falling and damaging other areas of your kitchen. (This would be a nightmare start!).

Once the cabinets are removed, see about possibly repurposing them. They can make a great storage option for the garage or basement storage area, and they are greatly appreciated for donation at charities like the salvation army and habitat for humanity.

2. Choose Your New Style

Source: kitchenclickdirect

Once you’ve successfully removed your old kitchen cabinets it’s time to go shopping! There are many websites online where you can look for the latest kitchen trends. Websites such as are a great place to start and will provide you with several options to choose from based on your personal preferences. Whether you want to look for a modern, minimalistic style, or you prefer a classic wooden approach, there are thousands of options available for you to choose from.

When choosing a style, it’s important that you choose within your budget range. When shopping for new cabinets it’s very easy to let your excitement get the best of you. Before you know it, you’ve purchased cabinets that are far too expensive and too complex to install yourself! You can choose kitchen cabinets that you can put together yourself, or alternatively styles that arrive already built, which you can then install yourself. The choice is completely yours and will determine the new style of your kitchen.

It is also advised that you consider your current kitchen design when replacing your kitchen cabinets. If you already have a modern marble countertop, then traditional wooden cabinets may look a little out of place. Alternatively, if you’ve made use of a classical design in your kitchen then modern cabinets may not look quite right. Make sure the colours and design match your current kitchen as this will allow you to get the very best out of your new cabinets. When you’re completely happy with your choice, buy your cabinets and wait for them to be delivered.

3. Installation

Source: finehomebuilding

The installation of your kitchen cabinets can be somewhat complex depending on the cabinets you have chosen. If you have chosen DIY cabinets you can put together yourself, simply take a look at the instructions provided and follow them. They are usually very simple and will provide you with a step by step guide to follow until your installation is complete. Alternatively, if you have chosen cabinets that arrive fully built, the company should provide you with installation instructions. Due to the weight of the cabinets, this will usually require two individuals to complete the task. This is always advised as it will allow for a smoother installation and reduce the risk of your new cabinets being damaged or dropped.

If you get to this phase and realise that you may not be able to install the cabinets yourself, this is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it’s a common issue people find themselves with. Should this occur, simply call up the company you ordered from and ask for your cabinets to be installed. Though this will come at an additional cost, it will ensure that your cabinets are installed to the highest possible standards. Over time, this will ensure your cabinets are strong and sturdy and they will also be less likely to fall or become loose.

4. Have Fun!

Source: mysuburbanlife

Although investing in new kitchen cabinets can be stressful at times, it’s extremely important that you have fun throughout the process. With so many options available, you can customize your home in any way you want. You can choose colours you enjoy and ones that bring character to your room. Though the investment at first may appear expensive, this will certainly pay off over time. No only will your kitchen become higher in value, but you’ll also treasure it as your own while you still live in the property.