10 Things You Must Do When You Are Harassed at Work – A 2024 Guide

Source: thebalancecareers

Harassment is any type of physical and/or verbal pestering based on a wide range of reasons like ethnicity or religion. This is not only inappropriate and morally wrong in a business environment but, it is also a discrimination form that is prohibited by laws and regulations.

It includes various things such as making assaulting remarks, accusations, name-calling, physical attacks or warnings of them, offenses, sending obscene images and/or text, as well as other behavior. Approximately 90% of workplace bullying is never reported, however, what occurs when you decide to stop it from happening? Well, let’s take a look at the are 10 things that you should do:

1. Check The Company’s Regulations Against Bullying

Source: inc

The very first thing you should do is to review the business’s worker manual. The business you are working for might have an Equal Employment Opportunity manager or different means for you to log an inner complaint. If it doesn’t offer such a thing, you can call or send an email to the US Equal Employment Commission Office and talk to a representative about what your legal options are.

2. Hire a Lawyer

Source: actioncoach

Luckily, the law is on your side. The Equality Act implemented back in 2010 will protect you against harassment coming from a colleague or the employer. It covers all illegal discrimination connected to age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disabilities, and sexual orientation. It is wise to hire or at least consult a lawyer about what legal actions you can take. If you want to see what a lawyer can assist you with, check out Cummings Law for more information.

3. Do Not Be Scared to Report The Individual

Source: employmentlawhandbook

The one thing you should immediately do is report any bullying as quickly as you can. Your boss needs to be aware of it in order for him or her to be legally accountable. Talk with the supervisor, anyone in HR, or the individual at the business who deals with these things.

Additionally, if there are some policies that you should closely follow when compiling everything, ensure that you read all about and understand it before you do anything else. You can register an objection by writing it or if you decide to talk about it during a conference. You also need to ensure that you also have a written version of what happened. Keep in mind that you must also keep a duplicate of the report and anything that you get from the company about it.

4. Write Everything Down

Source: thebalancecareers

If you encounter any bullying, immediately write precisely what occurred. You must be as precise as you can, put down all the dates, locations, happened, as well as if there were any eyewitnesses to the event. When you are writing it, ensure that you also state the name of the individual you are reporting, what he or she stated, and precisely what occurred after that.

Other people might read what you have composed at some time, which is why it is crucial to be precise, unbiased, and honest. Additionally, never keep the paper at the office, instead, store it at your house where you can reach it in case anything occurs to you at the workplace.

5. Partner Up With Your Colleagues

Source: employees-lawyer

If you know that you are not the only one who is experiencing harassment from the same individual, ask your colleagues to also report the person. Of course, if you aren’t comfortable with this or if your colleague is not up for it, you should think about mentioning in your report that you think other people are being harassed as well. This can lead to further investigation that might prompt people to come forward.

6. Always Keep Recordings of Your Work And Projects

Source: dailynewssegypt

If you, for example, bothered by your boss, manager, or individual that has a higher position than you, they might try to justify themselves by criticizing your performance and job. This is why you must keep all the records such as how well you are performing, any evaluations, and any other messages, emails, or notes that document the condition of your work.

7. Gathering The Witnesses Is Important

Source: sight

If possible and safe, speak to other individuals from your company that witnessed you being attacked or talk to the people whom you think might have witnessed it. This will allow you to find witnesses to the attacks, allies, and other individuals who might have been bullied by a specific individual. All of this can assist you in supporting your claim and report.

8. Gather And Submit Information

Source: thehill

Figure out what circumstances and characters need to be investigated and questioned during your initial complaint and report. This means that you should provide the investigation department with everything they might need to conduct an investigation thoroughly, and do not forget to implement even the smallest details – especially since it can be helpful for the people investigating the events.

9. Do Not Let The Situation Distract You From Your Work Responsibilities

Source: fastcompany

Although it can be extremely difficult, you should not allow the situation to distract you from your work responsibilities. This means that you should try performing well, finishing your work or/and projects, as well as keeping track of how well you are performing.

10. Speak With Your Parents, Mates, And Coworkers

Source: marketwatch

Harassment and all the things that come with and after it can be quite hard to go through alone. This is why you should tell your parents, partner, buddies, and coworkers about what has happened to you. Speaking to them about what has happened can provide you the support you need, and they can also aid you with clarifying and processing the events. You don’t need to be or feel alone – the ones closest to you are there to help.


By following the tips mentioned in the list above you’ll make the entire reporting process easier, less stressful for yourself, and more importantly, you’ll do everything legally and according to your company’s policies. So, if you are experiencing harassment at your job don’t waste any more time. Instead, grab your employees’ handbook and see what policies the company has implemented for these situations.