5 Mistakes all Beginners Make in Podcast Production

Nowadays, video podcasts are the easiest and most convenient way to connect with your listeners and customers and convey your message. You get to create the content you want, represent your company in the best way possible, and provide people with the opportunity to see you. Yes, you should implement several other forms of marketing, but this way, you will reach a broad audience considering millions of people listen and watch podcasts daily.

If you are just about to start your podcast, there are several things you have to know regarding video production. Here are some common mistakes beginners make and tips on how to avoid them. If you need more tips to get started beyond this article, check libsyn.com/how-to-start-a-podcast/ for a helpful guide on the subject.

Source: Vidyard

1. Not everything can be fixed later

Without a doubt, the most significant mistake people make is they believe they can fix everything during the editing stage. Yes, there are some things you can change. For example, if you stated an incorrect fact, you can film an additional video to address it. It is not a big deal, and everyone does it.

However, you cannot change shaky footage, bad lighting, or background noises. If you were to try to do this and add effects, you would not end up with a high-quality professional video. Therefore, you have to understand when you need to cut the shot and begin again and when you can fix an error later.

The best thing you can do is prevent these issues from happening altogether. You should create a checklist and test every piece of equipment you use before recording. This list will be your best friend until you become more confident and acquire the skill of filming and editing.

Source: Podcast.co

2. Not knowing the equipment

Surely you have already equipped yourself with top-notch tools. You researched every piece to learn about its features, understand whether it is worth the investment, how to set it up, and so on. But, did you test it? Many people do this briefly to ensure that everything is functioning perfectly, and then they start recording. After concluding the session, they find out that the video quality isn’t the best or that the audio is poor. As already stated, these problems cannot be fixed during the editing stage, so they have to do everything once again.

Due to this reason, setting the equipment and ensuring it works is not enough. Instead, you have to try several different scenarios. For example, check if the camera focuses on a certain point, that is, your face. If this is not the case, you will get blurry footage that will distract people. Moreover, test different placements of the microphone. Understand how it picks up the sound to figure out where you should put it.

Source: Medium

3. Not focusing on the audio

We have already stated this several times, but we have to elaborate on it since it is crucial. When it comes to video podcasts, unless you create visual content, most people won’t even watch it. Instead, they will play it and listen to it while doing something else. Yes, they may watch a few of them to learn something about you and your personality, but once they become regulars, they will mainly focus on the content you offer.

Because of this, the quality of the audio is critical. If the sound is poor and people cannot understand every single word you utter, they almost certainly won’t watch it until the end. Instead, their mind will wander, something else will attract their attention, and just like, you will lose listeners. In this case, it almost doesn’t matter how exciting or educative the content you offer is. People won’t bother since there are dozens of other creators.

As already said, to avoid this from happening, you need to get familiar with the equipment you use and test it over and over again until you get it right. Yes, this can take some time, so if you are in a hurry to post your first video podcast, you should turn to a professional agency like Poddster.

Source: Uscreen

4. Not using additional camera tools

If you want to launch a video podcast to promote your company and attract potential clients, you cannot focus solely on one thing. Yes, audio is essential, but if your video quality isn’t top-notch, you won’t get far. This podcast represents your business, and if you don’t work to display it in the best way possible, people won’t take you very seriously. They may continue listening to you, but they won’t consider collaborating with you.

Concentrating on camera settings may not be enough. Okay, you can focus the footage, but you also have to ensure that it is steady. When it comes to this, if you have a traditional camera, you should invest in a tripod and similar pieces of equipment that will enable you to get a perfect shot every time.

Source: Launch Your Podcast

5. Not caring about lighting

Finally, besides video and audio quality, you have to get the perfect lighting. When it comes to the recording, in some cases, the equipment you have may not matter if the final product is too dark or too bright. Don’t forget that we listed this as one of the mistakes you cannot fix.

Another thing, most people think of this potential issue when they film outside. However, bad lighting can pose the same problem if you record a podcast in your home. According to professionals, you should never rely on natural light. It changes quickly, and the sessions can last for hours. Because of this, you should invest in lights and place them strategically around your station. Yes, this is another thing you have to figure out, but several online guides and tutorials will tell you about different options you should test, so make sure to go over these.

Wrapping up

To sum up, these are the most common mistakes people make during podcast video production. If you want to avoid these, you should follow this guide step-by-step to check every single thing. If you need some additional guidance, visit https://melonapp.com/features/podcast-hosting/.

This is an important project you are working on, so don’t waste time filming everything again, but instead focus on creating appealing content.