Why You Should Get a Haircut Weekly? 

Source: romper

Haircuts are essential to keeping your style healthy but unfortunately, a lot of people don’t get their haircut as frequently as they should. Getting a new cut weekly is more than just giving you a fresh look. It helps prevent tired, damaged, and flat looking and offers many other benefits. Following are the top reasons to get a haircut weekly:

Improved Growth

Source: healthline

If your goal is to have healthy, long, this doesn’t happen overnight. Waiting for your hair to reach the ideal length is simply not enough. Having weekly hair trims can help get rid of the breakage and split ends, in turn leaving room for healthy growth.


Source: medium

With weekly cuts, your hair can actually begin to look healthier. As your growth, more split, damage, and wispy ends occur. You can give your it longer, healthier appearance if you cut those wispy ends off. Furthermore, it will also look glossier and shinier will regular trims. Not to mention it is easier to manage healthier. The amount of time that you usually spend styling. You will be significantly cut with weekly trims, hence offering you more time on grooming them.

Thicker Illusion

Source: allure

If you are one of the unlucky guys who have receding or thinning, then weekly trims could be the solution for you. Believe it or not but regular trimming of those wispy ends can give the illusion of thicker.

Avoiding Frizz and Split Ends

Source: wikihow

Split ends are one of the primary causes of hair damage. Once a strand begins splitting, the process doesn’t stop until you trim it. That’s why getting a cut on weekly basis is recommended as it can keep split ends under control and prevent them from causing further damage. Ignoring regular trims will result in it starting to look frizzy and damaged.

Preventing Knots

Source: thefrisky

Knots can hinder the growth of your hair. They are not something to celebrate and removing them will be a good practice towards your style. Regular cuts can help prevent knots and make your it look healthier and better. Even if you don’t experience knots very often, weekly haircuts are beneficial to alleviate the problem in the long run.

Maintaining Style and Shape

Source: fox

Your hair is one of those accessories that you cannot change every day. And you won’t feel as confident as you should if it doesn’t suit your face shape. Weekly cuts will allow for better styling. While you are free to try new styles, it is highly recommended that you run the idea past your barber.

Retaining the Perfect Length

Source: self

Getting a cut weekly will help you to retain the length and will promote faster growth. Split ends are the primary cause behind proper growth as they travel up to the shaft and result in thinner and hair lose. Since regular cuts help to deal with split ends and reduce breakage, they will help you retain the desired length.

Avoiding Taking Too Much Off

Source: elle

If you want to maintain the desired length, then it is highly recommended that you have them trimmed weekly. Waiting a long time between haircuts may mean having to take off more than you like. Regular cuts mean the difference between taking an inch off. Every so often to taking up to three or even four inches off in one shot to counter the damage done to them.

Easier Detangling

Source: wikihow

Weekly haircuts make detangling a breeze. This is one of the critical advantages of natural hairstyles. Not only can they cut your detangling time in half, but weekly cuts can also prove to be helpful if you are prone to getting knots. So, you will have to spend less time trying to brush out tangles. Because of more effortless detangling, you will also find it much easier to style.

Controlling Various Issues

Source: madeinsingapore

Cuts help control various issues in several different ways. If it’s damaged from chemical straightening or bleaching, a haircut can help grow new, by removing the damaged portions. Apart from this, if any part of it is making your overall hairstyle appear tangled, frizzy, or dull, weekly cuts will take care of that too. Regular trims can make it appear stylish, tidy, and neat. An regardless of whether you have short or long, it becomes easier to style and manage them.

Easier Salon Visits

Source: headmasterstx

If you make a habit of getting a cut regularly, your visits to the salon will become easier. This is because on your frequent visits to the barbershop, less will need to be taken off to remove the dead hair and split ends than if you wait a long time between cuts. This will make your appointments quicker, more comfortable, and keep it length and style looking consistent. Your barber will only need to do a minor reshape and trim to return you to looking your best. Not to mention parting with that much hair in one sitting can be difficult, and you may end up with a haircut that you don’t like.

Final Thoughts

Having beautiful and healthy hair requires a lot of time spent in the barbershop. If you chemically treat or color your it, you will need frequent trips to keep your style maintained. While getting a cut weekly has its benefits, the frequency of regular trims depends on many factors (e.g., hair type, style, whether you are looking to maintain a particular length or you are just growing your it out, etc. There is no one-size-fits-all rule. That’s why it is recommended that you find and visit a good barbershop and consult with the barber. These guys are experts and deal with different colors, textures, styles, and shapes every day. Finding a good barber is quite easy. Go online and input the terms “haircut near me” or “barber shop near me” in any search engine or visit ratemybarber.com to get started.