4 Best Robot Vacuum and Mop for Big Spaces 2024 – Automatic Cleaning Tools Specifications

Greatest Mop for Big Spaces

Cleaning is one of the tasks that should be done regularly, if not every day. There are many things that are harmful to your health and could be simply lying around, lurking underneath the couch, or near the bed.

These become potentially more dangerous if you have kids and pets at your house, as these little curious souls want to explore the whole wide world. So regular cleaning becomes even more important.

Well, to be completely honest, not many people like to get under the couch and clean the rugs. But no one likes a dirty house. So what can be done in this situation? The solution to this is quite simple – robotic vacuums and mops.

Yes, you read that right. Ever since their invention, these sophisticated gadgets have become quite popular and have taken over the manual labor of cleaning the house and big spaces, making life easy and spaces clean.

There are many great designs available in the market to choose from, and each is great in its own way.

But you should be careful of a few things, such as the specifications and height of these vacuums according to that of your furniture.

But no worries, the following article will help you choose, as it contains the 4 best robot vacuums and mops that would help you clean your home as well as big spaces, like your garage and parking lots.

Our Top Picks Robot Vacuums

1. Yeedi Vac Station Robot Vacuum and Mop

Yeedi Vac Station Robot Vacuum and Mop

One of the best out there, this multi-functional robotic vacuum is the one thing your home needs.

This smart robot cleans the floor with 2x performance, vacuuming and mopping at the same time, simultaneously.

The 3000 Pa super powerful motor picks up the dirt so flawlessly that your floors might actually start shining. its innovative design leaves no corner of the floor unchecked and provides you with a perfect clean.

Additionally, the newer technology and engineering guarantee its hands-free nature, as it uses GPS to move around, ditching conventional methods.

Moreover, its floor identification feature can distinguish flawlessly between the carpets and flooring and knows exactly where to mop, and where to vacuum. This technology gives it the upper hand, as you do not have to worry about your expensive carpets getting wet.

Plus it can store the litter for a complete month, or 30 days, giving you a completely hands-free experience. Isn’t this powerful vac just a marvel of innovation?

2. Braava Jet M6 By iRobot

Another one of the best, this Jet Vac is a great option if you have a tiled or stone floor. This vac cleans even the toughest stains and greases with ease.

You can control it with voice controls using home bots such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

You can let them know the exact spot to clean on the floor, and the vac would make sure to leave no spot on the floor.

This mop jet is also ideal for multiple rooms and large spaces as its compact design can flawlessly clean under the furniture within a matter of a few minutes.

However, there is one con to this as well, it needs a lit room to function. The technology, no matter how amazing it is, needs a little light to function, as it could not operate in a darkened room.

Other than that, the innovative technology is wise enough to differentiate between the floor and other stuff and be sure to clean and mop only the floor.

3. Ecovacs Deebots X1 Omni

It is pretty obvious that if you see one of the products on this list, it means it is one of the absolute best. And the same is true with the next one, X1 Omni.

With a suction power of 5000 Pa, X1 Omni has a high cleaning capacity. The technology used in this vac is quite amazing, as it can work in most situations.

Compatible with most of floor types and altitudes, this vac cum mop also works seamlessly even in darkness.

This powerful beast, like its most contenders available in the market, cleans and mops depending upon the type of debris, has a self-cleaning bin, and automatically empties itself when full.

Also, it can be connected to various home bots and convenience services such as Alexa and Google and can be operated via voice command.

The cons include that this particular beast is quite pricey, and can be a dent in your pocket.

Moreover, it is not quite suitable for small spaces, as it was quite designed for large and spacious areas and lofts.

4. Eufy RoboVac L70 Hybrid

Eufy RoboVac L70 Hybrid

This one is one of the most affordable products on the list today and is quite popular with the masses with smaller areas of foot space. The Vac uses its own Laser technology, known as iPath Laser Navigation, to move around and find hard spots to clean.

The vac is fitted with a 2200 Pa motor that ensures a good cleaning experience, and the battery life is extended to up to 2.5 hours per charge.

It also has a drop and anti-collision technology inbuilt that helps it be safe and secure from unnecessary bumping and unwanted collisions.

If you are looking for cons, then you should know that the battery life is quite low compared to others that you have seen on the list.

Additionally, it does not have a self-emptying bin, so you would have to clean it up every time it is full of trash.


These automatic cleaning tools have gained a lot of popularity over the years, and have come as a boon to many. This is due to the various useful features, and the ease of cleaning, even in places that were earlier hard to reach.

If you are planning on investing in some of these products, be sure about the dimensions and specifications that you would like in one, including the battery life, self-emptying bin, and other things. You can also check the online reviews to help you make a better decision.