Transfer WhatsApp Chat History From Android to iPhone 12 This Time

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Have you bought an iPhone 12 recently? Or do you have switched from android to iPhone recently? Or are you worried about the transfer of WhatsApp chat history from android to iPhone 12 this time? Are you looking for the easy and quick bytes to Transfer WhatsApp chat history from android to iPhone 12 this time? Then you are in the right place. Continue reading the article for better and detailed information.

In this article below, we will explain to you about the transfer of WhatsApp chat history from android to your new and latest iPhone 12. The following is complete, as well as the comprehensive guide for transferring the chat history from an android phone to your latest and new iPhone 12.

Whenever we buy a new phone, be it the android one or be it the iPhone. We get confused that, How we are going to transfer WhatsApp chat history.

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The first and foremost thing, which is essential to us when we buy a new smartphone, is transferring the data. Be it the essential contact numbers, be it old as well as essential messages, or be it the most crucial chat history of WhatsApp. We get worried about the transferring of the data and chat history to our new device. Although there are many tested ways for this problem of transferring the chat history of WhatsApp, but, even after that, we get a little anxious and insecure about the same. We need something more than security, and that is a sense of reliability.

However, it is said that transferring the chat history from one Android smartphone to another android smartphone is a little bit easier. When compared to the transfer of chat history from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone or an iOS device.

But, it is well said that if there is a problem, then there is a solution as well. The best and easiest solution for transferring the chat history from an Android smartphone to your new and latest iPhone 12 smartphone is Backuptrans WhatsApp Transfer Tutorial.

Its solution for the transfer of chat history from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone or an iOS device is acknowledged as the one-stop solution.

Transferring the chat history is one of the most important things of changing your most important electronic device that is your smartphone, from an Android operating system to an iOS operating system. In a few simple words, we can say that transferring the chat history from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone or an iOS device is equal to a troublesome situation for many of the WhatsApp users.

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The following are some of the different ways of transferring the chat history from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone or an iOS device. In other words, the following are some of the easy as well as quick bites of transferring the chat history from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone or an iOS device.

Some quick bytes about transferring the chat history from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone or an iOS device are as follows:

Method No. 1 For transferring the chat history of WhatsApp from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone:

For transferring the chat history of WhatsApp from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone, you have to follow the given steps below:

Step 1: You must back up your chat history of WhatsApp in your old android smartphone itself

Step 2: You then have to turn on the iCloud backup option also

Step 3: Then you have to go to the setting options – general – restore your device – erase all data and settings – click ok and agree

Step 4: The last step is to restore your iCloud backup in your new device iPhone 12

Method No. 2 For transferring the chat history of WhatsApp from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone:

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For transferring the chat history of WhatsApp from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone, you have to follow the given steps below:

Step 1: You have to connect your old android smartphone with your personal computer with a generic connecting cable

Step 2: Now you have to back up the WhatsApp chat history of your old android device

Step 3: You now have to launch iTunes on your personal computer

Step 4: Connect your new iPhone smartphone to the same personal computer of yours’ with another generic connecting cable

Step 5: Now transfer the complete chat history from your personal computer to the new iPhone 12

Method No. 3 For transferring the chat history of WhatsApp from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone. This method is for transferring the chat history but selectively:

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For transferring the chat history of WhatsApp from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone, You have to follow the given steps below:

Step 1: First of all, connect both of your iPhone smartphones as well as Android smartphone to your personal computer

Step 2: Now you have to download and install the app named syncios mobile manager on your personal computer

Step 3: You have to now backup your WhatsApp of android device and save it on the personal computer on the same app

Step 4: Open your iPhone settings on your personal computer and without doing any overwriting, transfer the chat history of WhatsApp from the syncios mobile manager computer app to your new iPhone. In this step, a window will be opened in which chats and chat history will be shown. From all of your chats, you can select the chats according to your preferences and choices and transfer them to your new iPhone 12 in just a few easy steps.

Though there are many more methods for transferring the chat history of WhatsApp from an Android smartphone to an iPhone smartphone or an iOS device.

Nevertheless, the above-explained methods for transferring the chat history of WhatsApp are the best ones to be followed.